The all-around benefits of spirulina powder make it an ideal health supplement for you to achieve good health. The powder has been used as a dietary supplement long throughout history, so it should not be a surprise that there exists an in-depth understanding of its components.
Spirulina powder has been known as a 'super food' because of the vitamins and nutrients it contains. Its desirable components provide you with the necessary supplements in order to optimize your body's function.
It basically contains a wide variety of vitamins. Among these vitamins are: thiamine or B1, riboflavin or B2, nicotinic acid or B3, pyridoxine or B6, folic acid or B9, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E. This makes spirulina powder a desirable food supplement.
Also, it includes minerals such as calcium, iron, copper, chromium, phosphorus, manganese, selenium, sodium, potassium, zinc, and magnesium. The abundance of these minerals helps in satisfying the energy requirement and nutrient needs of your body.
The fine powder is a great source of the vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function well. Imagine these concentrations found in one food supplement and this labels spirulina as the 'super food supplement'. For people who require higher levels of protein, spirulina is composed of 60% protein.
So this readily answers the need for higher protein level compared to other food supplements. Add to that the fact that the protein content has traces of cysteine, methionine, and lysine, which are amino acids considered important for your body with their distinct effects.
Cysteine has been known to prevent chronic bronchitis and even colon cancer. Lysine helps in preventing cold sores. Methionine, being an antioxidant, also improves your skin by removing harmful substances.
Although spirulina powder may not contain much protein compared to their foods counterparts such as meat or poultry products, the amino acid content is more concentrated and easily digested by the body.
The health benefits of spirulina powder are mainly concerned with reducing allergy symptoms and even inhibiting the invasion of viruses. This is done effectively by strengthening your immune system due to the high-vitamin and mineral content.
Spirulina powder may seem too good to be true. You might think it is expensive. The reality is that spirulina is actually very cheap! It is easy to produce making the food supplement a candidate in the fight against malnutrition.
Spirulina powder is an effective food supplement that gives you the nutrition that you need. Its health benefits are diverse because of the multitude of vitamins and minerals present. Known informally as the 'super food', a tablet a day can really make a difference in your life.
Spirulina for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
More information on spirulina supplements can be obtained at:
Article Source: [] Pure Spirulina Powder - The Superfood Supplement
Friday, July 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
ADHD - The Cat is Out of the Bag

Another factor in the algae's success as "brain food" may lie in its high choline and manganese content. Choline is known as the "brain enhancing vitamin," while manganese deficiency (fully correctable by the algae) can lead to pre-senile brain degradation.
Moreover, several studies have been conducted on the effects of AFA blue-green algae on children and adults with so-called ADHD, with very promising and positive results.
This is not necessarily good news for the drugs industry for whom ADHD has proven a real money spinner and which profits not only from sales of drugs to "manage" ADHD and other diseases (not "cure," "MANAGE," you'll notice because psychiatry does not like to talk about curing anything - for the very good reason that it can't) and then further drug sales to "manage" the addictions and other mental and physical complications that result from doping children up on powerful brain damaging chemicals.

Despite the massive and disingenuous campaign fuelled by millions of psycho-pharmacy dollars to convince everyone that a mental illness called ADHD exists, and that the only hope those suffering from it have is to be drugged, the truth has a habit of confounding the dedicated efforts of the nefarious to suppress it.
And so it is with the great ADHD hoax and other mental illness from the psychiatric "hoaxocopia:" the cat is well and truly out of the bag and the public at last has awoken to the fact that nutrition is better medicine than drugs.
A study in Nicaragua as long ago as 1992, for example, showed the beneficial effects of AFA blue-green algae on children's school performance. In the study, 1482 children ingested about 1 gram of AFA blue-green per day and one year later their average academic scores rose from a baseline of 64% to 81%. [ published by Project 2000, Inc. 140 Seawall St. Boylston MA. Fall 1993 issue.] This is a truly astounding result for such a modest amount of AFA blue-green algae consumed.
Another study, this time from the University of Central America in 1995, also examined the effects on the academic performance (as well as overall health status) of about 1 gram of AFA blue-green algae per day. A group of 111 children taking the algae were monitored for six months and their outcomes were compared to a control group with the same number of children.
For the children taking the AFA blue-green algae, an impressive improvement was evident, both in class participation and their ability to focus on given tasks. ["Study of the effects of Super Blue Green Algae(TM) on the nutritional status and school performance of first, second and third grade children attending the Monsenor Velez School in Nandaime, Nicaragua.." Cell Tech, 1995]
Yet another study of AFA blue-green algae is especially illuminating. This involved 109 children with an average age of 9 years, (55 girls and 54 boys) whose parents filled out a detailed standardized questionnaire that inquired about the academic, medical, and behavioral histories of their children. At the end of the study, which lasted ten weeks, those parents were asked to fill out another questionnaire and the compiled results indicated "significant improvement in the ability to focus, follow directions, and concentrate... fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression and behavior withdrawal." Teachers were also involved in the study and their reports declared "an improvement in the ability to focus and concentrate...a reduction in aggressive and acting out behaviors." The authors of the study concluded that "significant positive changes in children were evident across a wide range of behaviors...[and] that all children might increase their ability to concentrate and focus as AFA blue-green algae is added to their diet." ["The Children and Algae Report". Center for Family Wellness Study, 1995]
But it is not just the Blue-green algae that so effectively helps with ADHD and other problems of mind/brain function such as depression and Alzheimers (and WITHOUT the dangerous side effects for which drugs are so notorious) but there is increasing evidence that Green Tea is highly beneficial too.
For more information about wild blue-green algae, go to now and order my FREE e-book that will tell you everything you need to know.
Article Source: [] ADHD - The Cat is Out of the Bag
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Spirulina The Latest And Greatest Superfood Defined

Spirulina is actually an ancient food and is 100% natural and highly nutritious algae. Recent research shows that it has great benefits for aging, cancer fighting and immune resistance. Scientists have recently discovered that this superfood has the ability to strengthen the immune system and fight problems associated with the aging process. According to Australian researchers:
Scientific studies occurring throughout the world indicate that spirulina, a blue-green algae that has been living on the planet since long before mankind, may be the best of these disease-preventing, anti-aging foods.
Spirulina was originally discovered in lakes and ponds in Africa. This spirulina was then cultured and after much research has been used in indigenous and remote areas to increase nutrition and reduce diseases like scurvy. People in indigenous and remote countries tend to have diets lacking in nutrition and substance. When treated with just a spoonful of spirulina per day it was found that nutrition and health levels greatly increased. Spirulina is now a major constituent of food and health programs all over the world.
Spirulina has been proven to boost immune systems, bolster energy and greatly reduce the risks of many different cancers and infections. According to Australian researcher Anton Moore:
As we age and our bodies change and become less efficient at getting us the nutrition we need. It becomes more important to use highly nutritious superfoods like spinach, to achieve a well balanced diet and better health. Lately, it has become quite obvious that spirulina is the key or superior superfood and should be made a main part of every diet for optimum health and to ward off disease and sickness.
Spirulina is a complete food and boasts the highest amount of protein content of any food, many times higher than soy beans, at 60 plus percent. It is also packed with vitamins, beta carotene, more antioxidants and phytonutrients than green tea (research is currently being conducted on this by the National Cancer Institute), and is basically the best food and or supplement, pound for pound, available today.
So there you have it, a complete rundown on why spirulina is the latest leader of the superfoods and for the best in health it should be added as a daily staple to your diet.
David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research, clynical analysis and skin care. For more information on TCA peels for in home use and other great anti-aging products and ideas please visit
Article Source: [] Spirulina The Latest And Greatest Superfood Defined
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Green Tea, Wild Blue-Green Algae - Weight Loss and Premature Aging

Introduce four or five cups of green tea a day into your dietary routine and you can win from its weight-loss properties.
A growing number of studies are throwing light upon an impressive and growing number of health benefits inherent in green tea and some have even shown that people can shed a few pounds by the mere fact of swapping coffee for green tea!
Dropping coffee out of your diet and replacing it with green tea as your beverage of choice has been shown to have numerous benefits, not least because coffee is just plain bad for you.
However, this health step becomes a little pointless if one at the same time perseveres with a suicidal diet of burgers, french fries and take-out pizzas chased down with a few beers and followed by a pack of cigarettes, whilst glued firmly to the couch and the TV remote.
Some people of course seem dedicated to seeking out an early grave and becoming Jabba the Hut look-alikes whilst awaiting the early arrival of the Grim Reaper and who are we to deny them this right: in a democracy it is the God-given right of every citizen to make himself ill.
But for those who would like to live a bit and have some fun, invest in a teapot and some organic green tea and make sure you also enjoy an overall healthy diet that includes a lot of filtered or spring water, fresh green vegetables and fresh fruit and meat and dairy products that are as organic and un-tainted by the unethical practices of rapacious food corporations as possible. Such a diet must also exclude your health and waist-line's most mortal foes: refined sugars, refined flour and fast- and processed foods.
The optimum way to lose weight is not food fads or only eating turnips but by becoming overall healthy and that is achieved by a healthy, balanced diet and plenty of exercise.
This is mostly common sense and one does not need to be an expert nutritionist or indeed become obsessively food-conscious to arrive at a basically wholesome diet that will lose you a few pounds, gain you more years of life and even save you a few dollars.
Green tea is, however, a great weapon to add to your health arsenal and should most definitely be part of your new diet. It requires after all not much more effort than remembering to put the kettle on.
Green tea improves metabolic rate and the body's ability to burn fat as well as providing antioxidants and helping decrease the villainous free radicals. Research has suggested that drinking tea has a beneficial effect on weight, fat accumulation and the activity in the body of insulin and you can of course do your own research by drinking it and seeing how you get on.
I especially recommend that alongside green tea you include daily consumption of wild blue-green algae at the foundation of your weight loss/better health diet.
Green tea and wild blue-green algae are both rich sources of antioxidants and antioxidants get rid of the pesky free radicals, which - to form a crude analogy - are to your cells as rust is to ironwork.
The body's defense against free radicals is to neutralize them with substances called anti-oxidants. The body therefore must have an adequate supply of anti-oxidants to neutralize the attack by free radicals.
It is the damage to various tissues caused by free radicals that causes premature aging and free radicals appear to be the waste product of an inefficiently working metabolic system. They cause damage because the body does not have enough anti-oxidants to neutralize them and this deficiency can result in damage that shows up as premature aging and other undesirable phenomena.
Therefore, in order to help slow down the aging process or at least eradicate premature aging, it is necessary to have an efficient supply of antioxidants.
Green teas and wild blue-green algae both provide that supply and so it is highly advantageous to have both of them working for you towards greater vitality and healthier weight.

Go to [], now for further information on full spectrum health and my FREE e-books.
Article Source: [,-Wild-Blue-Green-Algae---Weight-Loss-and-Premature-Aging&id=3351746] Green Tea, Wild Blue-Green Algae - Weight Loss and Premature Aging
Friday, April 2, 2010
Two Ridiculously Simple Ways to Catapult Your Energy Levels

As a health researcher and health activist, as well as the host of the T.V. show Balanced Health, I get hundreds of questions from people every month. Not surprisingly, the most common question I get is "How can I have more energy?"
It is the biggest outcry of the adult generation "I WANT MORE ENERGY!" That is understandable. Many infomercials have approached the subject. So have the pharmaceutical industry, designer coffee chains and specialty drink companies.
What exactly is energy and where does it come from?
Webster's defines energy as the capacity of doing work. Energy can be obtained "externally" or produced "internally". Energy from the outside, or "external energy", is what we add to our body to create a feeling that allows us to "do work" as Webster's definition would suggest. External energy sources include substances like caffeine and Ephedrine. These substances work by stimulating hormone glands, kicking them into high gear to produce adrenaline. The adrenaline provides a window of increased "work capacity."
Unfortunately, external energy provides a short adrenaline rush that peaks and quickly dissipates. Many Americans suffer this decline around mid-morning when their coffee wears off. Caffeine restricts blood vessels, increases the work load on the heart and decreases breathing efficiency. It is also highly addictive. We have found that caffeine affects some people more than others. It can make folks jumpy and nervous, can impair focus and even cause autonomic nervous system impairment. Ephedra or Ephedrine, found in over-the-counter dietary supplements, works much the same way but is a higher concentration, therefore lasting longer. The abuse of Ephedra has caused many heart-related deaths in the U.S.
There are external energy boosters that are healthy, like Bee Pollen and Green Tea. But while healthy, they still do not address the root of the problem and therefore are not the final answer for energy. Guarana and Cola Nut are herbs that also pop up frequently in energy supplements and should be avoided because they produce adrenaline like Ephedrine.
The second type of energy is "internal" energy -energy produced inside your body. How is energy created in our body? Energy in our bodies is catalyzed on a cellular level, or simply put -created by our cells. In short, our cells have two functions, to create energy and remove waste.
The reason why people have a lack of energy is because they have too much waste and toxins in their cells and not enough energy to remove it. As you may have already surmised, the more waste and toxins in our cells the more energy that is needed to remove them. Since we have a finite number of cells, waste and toxins can win the war and demand more energy than we have available in our body. The result of this is we become toxic from the inability to remove waste, and because of the overload, we are sapped of energy as our cells work overtime to remove the waste overload. It is a compounding problem and soon symptoms arise like fatigue, congestion, irritability, dizziness, mood swings, inability to focus and more. Ultimately, the toxic build-up lends way to wayward cells that can colonize and form the likes of cancer and other degenerative diseases.
So How Do We Create More Energy?
For the vast majority of people the "dual-approach" will work wonders on improving energy levels. The dual approach is actually quite simple: remove toxins and deliver high frequency units of energy to the cells. Empower your cells to do their job and you will feel rejuvenated with higher levels of health and energy.
So how do we implement the "dual-approach"? One way, and perhaps not for everyone, is to go on a dietary fast. Fasting is an amazing way to rid toxins of the body. But wait! Before you give up on this article give me a chance. There are other real-life and easy solutions if you are oppossed to fasting.
If you fast, a great way to continue to put high frequency energy units into the cells is by juicing dark-green, leafy vegetables or berries. Typically, the first day or two of a fast are the most difficult. Your body tends to get into a rhythm after that and fasting becomes much easier. When you end your fast, for the first few days eat only raw and living food like vegetables, cold Avocado soup and the like. For some people, fasting is a great solution. For the rest of us, we have a simple alternative.
As mentioned earlier, the "dual approach" to increasing energy is to rid the cells of toxic waste and to feed the cells high frequency energy units. High frequency energy units can also be described as nutrient-dense calories, or calories that contain high levels of nutrition. I recommend that you definitely engage in a high-quality cleansing and detoxification program. There are many, many excellent choices in the marketplace. But beware. There are also a lot of market-driven, low-quality cleansing programs as well.
Secondly, if you can't juice dark-green, organic, leafy vegetables on a daily basis, we recommend you take a high quality super-food supplement every single day. The nutrient-dense food that comes from juicing vegetables is a tremendous source of cell-food and a source of abundant internal energy. Again, there are many super-food supplements in the marketplace. Look for those that use organic produce and that use juice-extracts as opposed to just vegetable powders. The juice is where the phytonutrients are found.
Keep in mind, abundant energy does not necessarily happen overnight. By cleansing and detoxifying and by ingesting nutrient-dense food, your body will be removing waste at a much higher rate and receiving more nutrition than what it was used to. You will notice some changes in your body as it relates to cleansing and some of these may not be pleasant 'but they are necessary changes.
The vast majority of people who contact me ask me how they can achieve higher energy levels. Energy deficiency is rampant and is a symptom of a greater and far more dangerous problem. Remember the "dual approach" to increasing your energy levels. Feed the cells nutrient-dense calories and remove waste from the cells.
Article Source:
About the AuthorJoseph Costello is a well-respected health activist and researcher. Joe has reached millions of people through his national radio show as well as through his Balanced Health television show. In 1995 Joe founded Kylea Health, a nutritional solutions company that has helped hundreds of thousands of people reclaim their health. For more information about Joe Costello and Kylea Health visit
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Superfood Flat Stomach Drink - Speed Up Your Metabolism All Day With This Simple 2-Step Smoothie

What's the right ratio for a fast metabolism? Follow the "Fist, Thumb, Fist Rule."
To keep your metabolism running at a steady, efficient fat-burning pace, you should eat the following at every meal:
- a fist size of lean protein (natural whey protein, wild fish, lentils)
- a thumb size of healthy fats (flax, omega 3 nuts, seeds)
- a fist of carbs (green superfood supplement, veggies, whole grain bread)
Here's how it works. Your cells need the carbs to function (carbs = glucose = fuel/energy) but need the protein and fats to process the carbs in a steady stream. If you get only carbs, you get a "sugar rush" and then a sugar crash and then you go into starvation mode. This means that nothing functions properly. You can't think. You're hungry and tend to overeat. And whatever carbs/glucose you do eat in this state is stored as fat not used as energy.
But follow the Fist, Thumb, Fist Rule, and you will:
- maintain a healthy, lean body
- feel full not hungry so you're less likely to pig out throughout the day
- give your brain what it needs to run so you can concentrate better and think more clearly
Learning the right ratio down may seem complicated, but you'll get the hang of it quickly. That's where the superfood supplement drinks come in.
Green Superfoods Smoothies For Breakfast, Snacks or as an Easy, Do-able Meal Substitute
Ideally, you should have a superfoods smoothie for breakfast every day to provide you with the perfect balance for optimal health and a lean body. This shake is also the perfect lunch, post-workout replenishment, and between-meal snack, and it's great any time you are too busy to prepare a full meal.
How do you make a smoothie?
Step #1 -- Add the following ingredients into a blender:
- green superfood powder
- good fat (omega 3 oil, flax or omega 3 mixed nuts and seeds)
- protein powder
- liquid (water, non-fat milk, plain soy milk or plain almond milk)
- fresh fruit
- ice (for a thicker, creamier shake)
- optional essences and spices (vanilla, mint, almond essence, cinnamon, all spice, nutmeg, or ginger)
Step #2 -- Blend to desired smoothness and enjoy.
This recipe makes a 32-ounce shake. Drink the whole thing for a complete meal. Drink half for a smaller meal.
Why do we recommend having a smoothie for breakfast every day?
By starting off your day with the perfect blend of the highest-quality complete protein, good fats, and unprocessed carbohydrates, you keep your blood sugar stable, cease hunger and cravings, and stay energized for 4-6 hours, all while kicking your fat-burning engine into high gear.
So go shopping for your fast-metabolism breakfast shake now to get that flat stomach.
Click for most of the items on your Green Powder Breakfast Shake shopping list: 100% all-natural, proven, []fat-burning green powder supplements, pure whey protein powder, omega 3 oil, omega 3 mixed nuts, and flax.
Also when you click through, check out more breakfast shake recipes and tips and get your free Healthy Living Tool Kit and newsletter that can help you dramatically lose more weight, burn fat, improve your health, feel energized and look and feel younger -- starting today!
Gerry Morton is the CEO of EnergyFirst, leading provider of top-quality nutritional supplements and cutting-edge, science-based health and nutrition education since 1997.
Article Source: [] Superfood Flat Stomach Drink - Speed Up Your Metabolism All Day With This Simple 2-Step Smoothie
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The Perfect Food is Super Green

Many people are not yet aware that there is a type of nutritional supplement called a super green food that can help prevent disease and reverse the signs of aging. It is comprised of whole foods direct from nature that can actually help conquer cancer, nerve damage, diabetes, heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome, clinical depression, as well as provide all the nourishment your body needs to stay healthy and strong - for life. If you want to boost your immune system, energy levels and brain power taking a super green whole food supplement every day can help.
Not your typical pond scum

Most super green foods contain blue green algaes called micro-algae, since they are microscopic forms of freshwater algae. Both chlorella and Spirulina are microscopic plants that grow in fresh water and contain a plethora of nutrition. They've been around for quite some time now: nearly a few billion years. even though these are some of the earliest and simplest life forms on the planet, they appear to have every form of nutrition the human body needs to survive.
These micro-algae contain an astounding array of abundant supply of nutritional elements: vitamins, macrominerals, trace minerals, essential fatty acids, protein, nucleic acids, micro nutrients, chlorophyll, and a vast spectrum of phytochemicals. In fact a person could literally live off these micro-algae and nothing else. They make the perfect whole food supplement because are so nutritionally dense.
Bigger is not always better
These super foods range in size from 2 to 8 microns, which is about the same size as a human blood cell. They appear green due to their high chlorophyll content. Harvesting these nutrients form the algae requires special centrifuge equipment, which is one reason why people don't grow their own micro-algae for individual consumption. Most of these super foods are grown in vast water farms located in parts of the world where the climate is warm and sunny.
Chlorella and Spirulina, two of the main ingredients in most super green foods, contain zero refined carbohydrates; they are high in digestible protein, high in chlorophyll, high in essential fatty acids and have no "bad" fats.
Kelp is a type of seaweed that is a rich source of vitamins, especially the B Vitamins, as well as of many important minerals. Studies have shown that it can be beneficial to brain tissue and the membranes surrounding the brain. You need specific nutrition to support the function of the sensory nerves, and the spinal cord as well as the nails and blood vessels. Kelp can provide this nutrition. It has been used in the treatment of under active thyroid problems because of its iodine content, and is useful for other conditions such as hair loss, obesity and ulcers.
Many health practitioners recommend a daily green food supplement, especially for people with mineral deficiencies or mood disorders. My favorite super green food is Enerfood which you can read more about at ener health botanicals website. It has a mild pleasant taste and a quick boost.
Try any super green whole food supplement like Enerfood, every day for week. One tablespoon in a glass of juice is all it takes. They are also cost effective. Taking a tablespoon of super green energy food, costs less than a typical fistful of vitamins.
Article Source:
About the Author:Darren Craddock is an expert in Naturopathy, Diet, Nutrition, Herbology, Massage, and Yoga. Get a Free Report: Discover how to keep from getting sick and have more energy! Discover the best tasting super green instant energy boost of Enerfood powder at
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